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Now & Next-Level Soccer

Player Health & Safety

Welcome to the Rush Union Soccer Player Health & Safety webpage. This page is intended to provider readers with important information and resources as they pertain to players' health and safety, as well as provide guidance and recommendations for assisting players, parents, coaches and others for maintaining the health and well-being of players throughout the soccer season(s).

Premier Sports Medicine

Premier Sports Medicine of Georgia, LLC and its team joined us in the Spring of 2014 to provide sports medicine and athletic training services for the entire Chiefs community.  You can find an athletic trainer from Premier Sports Medicine at all Rush Union home games and select practice nights.. 

At Premier Sports Medicine of GA, LLC, we are passionate about making sure that athletes at all levels stay safe and healthy while participating in the sports they love. Injuries can and do occur, but there are proactive steps that can be taken to minimize risk. When an injury does occur, an athlete’s ability to bounce back often times depends on the timing and quality of care he or she receives immediately following the injury.  This is why our team of experts put so much effort into reaching out to young athletes, parents, coaches and administrators in our community.

Research has shown that the presence of an Athletic Trainer ensures a safe environment for athletic participation.  It is our goal to keep your athletes on the field where they belong!

Coverage includes:
Practice cover:  TBA at Brook Run Park
Game Cover:      All home game dates at Brook Run Park
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s soccer related injury or an injury you may have sustained for that matter, please feel free to contact Adam Greenfield, ATC at any time at 404-913-2821 or by email at [email protected].  Our team is here to prevent and evaluate injuries, rehab injuries, as well as connect you with additional medical resources when necessary.  We are here to serve the entire Rush Union community, so parents and coaches please know that we are also here for you and those close to you should the need arise.

Concussion Education

New Georgia Soccer Concussion Policy (Revised Aug 2016)
In light of recent awareness and legislation regarding the lasting damage that concussions can inflict, Georgia Soccer has adopted a Concussion Policy, crafted by our Risk Management committee.   This policy is in effect for all Georgia Soccer youth games. 

georgia soccer concussion awareness policy.pdf
notification of possible concussion.pdf
return to play authorization.pdf
georgia soccer return to play ticket.pdf

CDC Heads Up Concussion Training

The CDC is providing a free on line course to educate coaches, parents and others to help keep athletes safe from concussions. With the ever changing landscape of soccer it is vital that all coaches be educated on this subject.

The following link is to the free online course that provides an excellent overview of:

  • Concussion signs/symptoms
  • How to understand a concussion and the consequences of this injury
  • Learn how to return to play safely after a concussion
  • A focus on prevention and preparedness to help keep athletes safe season-to-season

The course will take about 30-40 minutes to complete.


  • The link will bring you straight to the course
  • If you exit the course you will be returned to the beginning again
  • Upon completion of the course you will receive a certificate of completion

Child Safety

Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse
People employed by or volunteering for any type of organization or business that provides children with "care, treatment, training, supervision, coaching, counseling, recreational program, or shelter" are mandated by law to report any signs of child abuse to the appropriate authorities.

The following link is to a free online course that provides an excellent overview on Mandated Reporting and Recognizing the Signs of Child Abuse. The course will take about 40-45 minutes to complete (even though it says two hours on the website).  


  • The link will bring you to an order screen. You are ordering the training course titled: "Mandated Reporter: Critical Links in Protecting Children in Georgia"
  • This is a FREE Course
  • Click the order now button
  • Click on the purchase now button
  • To complete your order, please complete a training account
  • This is a FREE account
  • After you have created your account click on My Training Account to access your select course
  • Upon completion of the course you will receive a certificate of completion

Goal Safety

Keeping our goals safe
Every year children are injured or lose their lives in goal post accidents. This risk is very real, and soccer goals are so much a part of our “scenery” that we often don’t recognize the danger. Simply, falling goals can seriously injure and kill.

Here are some simple safety guidelines to reduce the risk:

Never start a practice or game
• without inspecting the goals; don’t rely on someone else to ensure the safety of your players.
• Always make sure that goals are properly anchored, including portable goals, before you start play. If goals are not anchored, don’t have players in the goal area and notify the proper official immediately.
• Be sure to check that the top cross bar is secure. If it is constructed of two pieces, make sure they are bolted together.
• Know how goals should be anchored. For the best instruction, go to Consumer Safety Products at; then make sure you give proper instruction to all members of your club, league or association.
• Perform periodic surveys on goal condition
• Communicate goal safety information through every channel and opportunity, including your website and registration.
• Goals aren’t playground equipment. Make sure that your soccer player – all your children – understand that goals should never be climbed. Don’t allow play on soccer goals.
• Be responsible. If you see any children playing on a goal, ask them to stop and inform the proper official.
• Be aware – goals are a part of the landscape but can injure or kill. Respect them.
• Make sure that goals are stored safely when not in use.

Never under any circumstances ask players to help you move a goal.

Get Your Shield Up! Safety Videos

Get Your Shield Up! on a Header

Get Your Shield Up! While Keeping Your Back to an Opponent

Get Your Shield Up! While Blocking a Tackle

Meet "Doc"

Health & Safety Briefs
Managing Heel Pain in Youth Players- Managing Heel Pain in Youth Players.doc
Osgood-Schlatter: What's in a Name? - Osgood-Schlatter.doc
Preventing Heat Illness in Youth Players - Preventing Heat Illness in Youth Players.doc
Preventing Serious Oral and Facial Injuries among Players who Wear Orthodontic Braces - Preventing Serious Oral and Facial Injuries....doc
Preventing Testicle Injuries in Youth Players: A Common Sense Approach - Preventing Testicle Injuries in Youth Players.doc
Bad Bug (MRSA) Alert: Implications for Parents and Coaches - Bad Bug Alert.doc

Field Status

Open Open

Brook Run Park Dunwoody (Turf Fields) (01:47 PM | 05/05/22)

Open Open

Pleasantdale Park (01:47 PM | 05/05/22)

Closed Closed

Pernoshal Park (03:26 PM | 11/29/21)